Your anxiety will not let up. It is always right there, even when you try to ignore it.

Burying yourself in work and making many plans helps you pretend the anxiety does not exist.

However, the busyness of life- that you created for yourself- gets too overwhelming. As a result, you feel more anxious. Some days you want to curl in a ball and cry.

You would give anything to just take a momen to breathe. Often you wonder if it is possible to truly feel relaxed and at peace.

It is possible. In this blog post, you will learn a simple EMDR therapy exercise to ease your anxiety.

Stop what you’re doing. Put that to-do list down and take a moment for yourself.

Before we get started. I want to give you a little background on what you will be doing and why.


What is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR stands for Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. It is an evidence-based treatment that helps people heal from trauma and other mental health disorders. For more information on EMDR therapy, check out EMDRIA.

EMDR Therapy and Resource Tapping.

A resource is an inherent quality that resides in you; such as love, strength, memories, people we connect with, and experiences.

Tapping activates your resources, enhancing and strengthening them. Therefore, you will experience positive feelings associated with your resource more fully in your body. As a result, the positive feelings associated with the resource will be more accessible to you.

For example, in this EMDR exercise, you will tap into a calm and safe place. A place that is real or imagined. It will be a place where you feel at peace, relaxed, and calm. Tapping will help enhance these positive feelings.

Lastly, I will share with you how you can tap and when you should not tap.

How do I Tap in EMDR Therapy?

You will tap either on your legs or tap using the butterfly hug. In the butterfly hug, you will have your right hand on your left shoulder, and your left hand will cross over your right arm and touch your right shoulder. You will then slowly tap 6-12 times, right-left, right-left.

When to NOT Tap or stop tapping- PLEASE read.

Only tap when you are experiencing 100% positivity. If at any point in this exercise you feel uncomfortable, do not tap or stop tapping.

 Let’s begin!

An EMDR Therapy Exercise to Ease Anxiety

Get Cozy

Find a comfortable and quiet space. You can either sit or lie down. Turn off your phone, or better yet, put it out of sight. Do whatever you need to do to prevent distractions.


Allow yourself to experience the present moment. Quiet your mind and relax your body by taking slow and deep breaths in and out, for 1-2 minutes.. Once you feel present and relaxed, move forward.

emdr to ease anxiety
emdr to ease anxiety

Imagine a place that is safe, calming, and peaceful.

Think of a place that brings a sense of calm, peace, and safety. This place can be real or imagined.

Now enhance this safe place using your senses. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you touch? What do you smell? What do you taste?

Notice how you feel being in this place. Is this experience 100% positive? Do not move forward if you feel any negative or uncomfortable feelings.


Begin Tapping.

Notice being in this place and the feelings you feel, and tap 6-12 times, right-left, right-left. After 6-12 taps, stop, and assess how you feel and what you notice. Is the experience positive? Continue tapping.

You can do as many sets as you like before moving forward.

Identify a Cue Word.

Think of a cue word that fits your experience. This cue word should be a one or a two-word phrase.

A cue word links the positive feelings with your place. As a result, recalling your cue word will elicit the same feelings you are experiencing now.

Once you have a cue word, continue to imagine your calm and safe place while repeating your cue word over and over, and tap. Again, tap 6-12 times, left-right, left-right. Then stop and assess how you feel. If the experience remains positive, continue tapping.

Again, do as many sets as you like before moving forward.


In your last set of tapping, say goodbye to this place, knowing you can access and come back to this place anytime you desire.

You can access your calm and safe place by using your cue word. Practice this exercise once a day or a few times a week. Practicing goes a long way.

I hope this simple EMDR therapy exercise gave you the peace and calm you deserve!

Needing further Anxiety support?

Have you been in a constant state of anxiety for as long as you remember? Your anxiety, though uncomfortable, is the only thing you know. Therefore, experiencing a state of calm and relaxation might have been a little unnerving.

If so, seek anxiety treatment in Denver, CO or Miramar Beach, FL today.

Anxiety Treatment in Denver, CO or Miramar Beach, FL can help.

In anxiety treatment, you will continue to utilize skills and techniques to help you learn how to relax your body. You will also get to the root of your anxiety, and find healing.

Amanda Conroy at Amanda Conroy Counseling specializes in anxiety treatment. Amanda utilizes therapeutic techniques to help you cope with and manage your anxiety. It does not always have to be like this, and healing is possible.


Online Therapy services offered in Colorado or Florida

Amanda Conroy offers several online therapy services in Colorado such as EMDR therapy, Teen counseling, PTSD treatment and Trauma therapy, and Christian Counseling.

Start Online Therapy in Colorado or Florida Today.

If you are interested in starting therapy, schedule your free 20-min phone consult today. Have more questions? Learn more about getting started.