The Holiday season is here; you enjoy this time of year. However, it is the time of year where you feel the most stressed and anxious. Therefore, you want to reduce anxiety and stress you experience.

As life is not busy enough, the Holidays add more to your plate. You have to shop, think about what gifts to buy, attend more events, and prepare for travel or hosting.

The list of to-dos this time of year is enough to make you go crazy. Therefore, you have moments where you had enough, and you want to cancel Christmas.

However, there are good moments too, the music, the cookies, time with friends and family, lights, etc. It’s not all bad. Therefore, you’re determined to make this Holiday season enjoyable.

You want to enjoy all the goodness that comes from this time of year without feeling overly anxious and stressed.

This year you want to have balance and peace.

Well then, this blog is for you. I will discuss five tips that will help you reduce anxiety and stress this Holiday season.

Reducing Anxiety and Stress During the Holidays

Tip #1: Write out a game plan

I am big on keeping a journal and planning. There is so much to think about when it comes to the Holidays. Therefore, writing it all down will help you feel organized, hence reducing anxiety and stress.

What to write?

Think about all the Holiday season entails for you. Write down the names of people who plan on buying gifts for and sending cards.

Will you be traveling or hosting? Write down all you need.

Use a planner to schedule a time to do your shopping and prepare food or packing.

Tip #2: Start Early

We all know procrastination causes more stress and anxiety. There is nothing like cramming all your shopping in on Christmas eve. Just thinking about it makes your head spin.

Now, grab your handy dandy planner. Plan days and times for shopping and preparing. Carve out a little time here and there to get stuff done.

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Tip #3: Take time out for yourself

Make sure you are scheduling time to do activities that are relaxing and enjoyable during this busy time. Write down a list of things you like to do, activities that give you peace and rest.

Again, take out that planner, and schedule it. Even craving out 10-15 min out of your day to do something you enjoy can go a long way.

For example, I love to read fiction to calm and relax. Therefore, even on busy days, I will make time to read at least one chapter.

Do you like hot chocolate? Or how about those peppermint mochas? My fav! Anyway, take the time and mindfully eat or drink your favorite holiday treats. These small moments can go a long way.

If you are able, plan for relaxing for most of the day. Maybe that is driving up to the CO mountains to shop or hike.

Tip #4: Ride the wave

Riding the wave is about sitting with your anxiety and not reacting to it.
It is about being mindful of your experience, noticing body sensations and thoughts, and knowing this feeling will pass. Remember, you are not your emotion.

Think of a time when this feeling has passed before. Ground yourself to the moment while using your senses to soothe. For example, put on that favorite lotion, the one that smells pleasant and feels soft.

Tip #5: Do not over schedule

Make sure you are not over-booking yourself. Learn to say no. FOMO is a real problem these days. Listen to your body and what it needs. You do not have to attend every holiday party and cookie exchange.

Know your limit and prioritize events and parties that will work best for you and your schedule.

In conclusion, do not let anxiety and stress ruin your Holiday season. Implement these tips today to reduce anxiety and stress. I hope they will be helpful for you.

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Anxiety Treatment in Denver, CO

Is anxiety an ongoing issue in your life? If so, there is hope and help. Amanda Conroy Counseling specializes in anxiety treatment in CO. In therapy, you will learn the tools and skills to manage and reduce problematic anxiety.
Amanda also works to help individuals discover the root of their anxiety and supports people in healing from the trauma attached to their anxiety.

Amanda Conroy Counseling offers online therapy in CO only.

Other online Counseling Services Offered in Denver and throughout CO:

Christian Counseling

Amanda provides Christian counseling for individuals who would like their faith incorporated into their counseling experience.

Teen Counseling

Amanda provides teen counseling for teen ages 15 and up struggling with anxiety.

PTSD Treatment and Trauma Therapy

Amanda has years of experience providing PTSD treatment and trauma therapy. She provides EMDR therapy and has training in parts work and ego state therapy.

Start Online Therapy in CO Today

If you are interested in getting started, schedule a free 20 min phone consultation.

Check out the getting started page to learn more.